Category: dental care

Superior General Dentistry in Shaker Heights, OH

March 25, 2015

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 4:26 pm

A beautiful smile is absolutely priceless. Showing your smile to the world shows your personality, confidence, enjoyment, happiness, and energy. Your smile is as unique as a snowflake, and you should protect it and take care of your oral health. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing will definitely help, but certain types of bacteria, tartar, and plaque can be a detriment if you do not see a dentist annually. With years of experience with general and family dentistry, Dr. Hornstein – head of The Center for Advanced Dentistry – and his team of dental technicians can keep your oral hygiene in prime condition.

Why Should I See a Dentist? My Gums and Teeth Look Just Fine.

general dentistryIt’s great if everything looks up to standard. Keeping up with your oral cleaning routine is fantastic, but it does not keep all of the potential mouth problems at bay. Bacteria cultures can form in hard-to-reach areas in your mouth, tartar can build in small pockets on your teeth, and decay can start eating away without you knowing it. To prevent anything from jeopardizing the integrity of your health, it is best to have the trained, experienced dentists at Shaker Heights, OH give your gums and teeth a proper cleaning and examination.

What Does a General Dentist Do?

General dentistry covers the basics of dental care. We will examine your mouth to check for potential problems, clean your teeth and gums to remove plaque, and educate you on further oral health practices. If we see any issues, such as grinding or periodontal disease, we will customize your treatment to fit your personal needs. Night guards can be provided and periodontal therapy can be applied to prevent further damages. Our ultimate goal is to issue optimal oral health, and for you to continue to place your oral hygiene care in our talented hands.

When Should I Make an Appointment?

If you have not been to a dentist in a long time, we recommend you schedule an appointment as soon as possible. We suggest visiting our office every six months for a routine checkup, as it will ensure proper mouth care. Contact our office to begin your venture with our stellar doctors. We are passionate about our patients and we hold our doors open to everyone in Shaker Heights, Mayfield Heights, Bedford, Solon, Garfield Heights, Cleveland, and the surrounding areas.