Category: CPAP alternative

Sleep Apnea Treatment in Beachwood

April 25, 2016

Filed under: sleep apnea — Tags: , , , — tntadmin @ 3:08 pm

sleep apneaWe may have our differences, but there is one thing we all have in common: everyone—absolutely everyone regardless of age, gender, race or religion—needs to sleep. Yes, some people can get by on less sleep, but we all know the value of a good night of rest. Unfortunately, there are many for whom a restful night is merely a dream. A medical condition called sleep apnea can keep them from getting the sleep they need. If you suspect that you or your bed partner needs sleep apnea treatment in Beachwood, contact Dr. Hornstein at The Advanced Center for Dentistry. He works closely with area physicians to correctly diagnose and treat sleep apnea so your dreams about sleep can be a reality.
