Category: cleveland

Make Regular Visits to The Center for Advanced Dentistry a Priority in 2012

January 5, 2012

With 2011 behind us and 2012 just a few days old, you may be thinking about what improvements you can make in your life. Two of the most popular resolutions out there are eating better and exercising more. These are great, but we’d also like to encourage our patients to keep their smile in mind. Make 2012 a banner year for your oral health by making regular visits to Dr. Hornstein’s Beachwood dental office a priority.

Why Are Regular Visits So Important?

Regular visits are important for two reasons.

First, seeing us often gives Dr. Hornstein a chance to look for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral cancer early, all of which can be more easily treated when found early.

Second, regular appointments let us give your teeth and gums a thorough cleaning. Daily brushing and flossing at home are vital, but even an excellent at-home oral health regimen can only do so much. With our team’s experience and knowledge, we can help you achieve the optimal oral health you’ve dreamed of.

Ready to schedule your first appointment of 2012? Contact The Center for Advanced Dentistry. Dr. Hornstein serves patients from Cleveland, Solon, Shaker Heights, Pepper Pike, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Hornstein Helps Patients Relieve Painful TMJ Dysfunction Symptoms with an Orthotic Appliance

December 12, 2011

Do you ever think about how the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and back are connected to how your teeth fit together? Many don’t. But if you suffer from frequent neck, shoulder, or back pain, your smile may explain why.

If you have a misaligned bite, the joints that connect your jaw to your skull—known as your temporomandibular joints (TMJ)—might be overworked and stressed, resulting in other symptoms like:

  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Teeth grinding
  • Dizziness or ringing in your ear

The good news is that Dr. Hornstein can help patients treat TMJ dysfunction non-surgically with an orthotic appliance. An orthotic appliance is similar to a mouthguard in that it’s custom made for each patient by our lab and designed to correct the misalignment at the heart of your symptoms.

An orthotic appliance isn’t the only treatment option that Dr. Hornstein can recommend, though. To find out about all your options for treating TMJ dysfunction, call our Beachwood dental office today to schedule a consultation appointment. We serve patients from Cleveland, Solon, Shaker Heights, Pepper Pike, and surrounding areas.

Keep Your Smile in Mind As You Celebrate This Holiday Season

November 29, 2011

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 3:00 pm

It’s been almost a full week since Thanksgiving, but as you know, the holiday season is far from over. With Christmas and New Year’s just around the corner, we’re entering a time of almost nonstop holiday goodies and parties. And while we don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun, we also don’t want you to forget about your smile.

Treats like candy canes, cookies, and pie are all filled with sugar, which fuels the transformation of bacteria in plaque. So, while we want you to enjoy everything the season has to offer, consider these two suggestions.

First, keep on brushing and flossing like you normally would. By brushing twice a day for at least two minutes, flossing thoroughly, and spending a few minutes gargling a quality mouthwash, you’re doing your part to keep bacteria and plaque from building up on your teeth and gums.

Second, follow up your meals with gum or mints sweetened with xylitol. Even though it’s a natural sugar, xylitol can help you fight cavities by improving your mouth’s pH level and making it harder for bacteria and plaque to stick to your teeth.

Want to learn more about how xylitol can benefit your smile? Click here.

And if you’d like to know what else you can do this holiday season to protect your smile, give our Beachwood office a call. Dr. Hornstein can make a few helpful suggestions, in addition to checking your smile for signs of tooth decay and gum disease—common problems that can be easily treated when found early.

Give us a call today. We serve patients from Cleveland, Solon, Shaker Heights, Pepper Pike, and surrounding areas.

Smile Makeover, Part 2: How Can I Have Straighter Teeth?

October 14, 2011

Our last post introduced what we call “smile makeovers.” Today, we’ll spend a little time talking about one service that’s making smile makeovers easier and more convenient.

The Differences Between Braces and Invisalign Clear Braces

While traditional braces and braces from Invisalign can help you achieve the same results, they do so in very different ways. Traditional braces use brackets and wires to gradually shift your teeth into place. Invisalign, on the other hand, uses clear, custom-made acrylic trays.


A Whiter Smile in Just One Hour

July 28, 2011

Teeth can become stained for several reasons. One of the biggest is age, but certain beverages (like tea or coffee) can have a major effect, too, as can smoking and even certain medications. But with professional teeth whitening from Dr. Hornstein’s Beachwood dental office, a vibrant smile can be yours again, and in about just one hour.

Using Brite Smile’s professional whitening treatment, we can safely and effectively return your teeth to their optimal brightness.

Professional Whitening in the Comfort of Your Own Home

But in-office teeth whitening isn’t the only way you can revitalize your smile. With at-home teeth whitening, you can achieve professional results in the comfort of your own home. Results aren’t as immediate—best results take between one and two weeks—but you can still look forward to enjoying a brighter, more confident smile.

You can even use at-home teeth whitening in between in-office treatments. We call this our “Whitening for Life” program, and you can find out more about his it works by clicking here.

The Confident Smile of Your Dreams

If you have questions about our teeth whitening services or just want to schedule your next visit with Dr. Hornstein, give our Beachwood dental office a call today. Dr. Hornstein’s practice serves patients from Cleveland, Solon, Shaker Heights, Pepper Pike, and surrounding cities.

Sleep Apnea Treatment for Patients in the Cleveland Area

June 27, 2011

If you snore at night or suffer from symptoms like irritability, difficulty concentrating, morning headaches, or daytime drowsiness, you may have sleep apnea.

An under-diagnosed condition, sleep apnea can disrupt your (and your partner’s) sleep and have a detrimental effect on your overall health, putting you at risk for a wide spectrum of serious conditions ranging from heart attack to stroke, high blood pressure, heartburn, depression, and even memory loss.


This Daily Mistake Can Make You Obese and Forgetful

August 23, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 12:02 pm

People who sleep either more or fewer than seven hours a day, including naps, have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, according to a new study.

Sleeping fewer than five hours a day more than doubles your risk of being diagnosed with angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke.  And sleeping more than seven hours also increases your risk of cardiovascular disease; more than nine hours of sleep results in a 50 percent increase in risk.

The Daily Telegraph reports:

“The most at-risk group was adults under 60 years of age who slept five hours or fewer a night. They increased their risk of developing cardiovascular disease more than threefold … Women who skimped on sleep … were more than two-and-a-half times as likely to develop cardiovascular disease.”

In related news, researchers have also found that sleeping in after a few days of missed sleep can help restore you after missed sleep, nearly erasing any lingering sense of fatigue and mental fuzziness.

How much recovery sleep you need to feel recharged depends on how much sleep you’ve lost.

In the study, volunteers deprived of about three hours of sleep a night for five nights felt nearly, but not quite, back to normal after ten hours of sleep.

To help you get the optimal amount of sleep each night, U.S. News & World Report suggests:

“… [T]ry removing all electronic media devices — BlackBerry, TV, computer — from your bedroom. These distractions … are a prime reason many of us turn out the lights an hour or two later than we originally intended.”


This is an excerpt from Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website  Sleep apnea can have a direct influence on the quality of your sleep.  The health risks are increased if you don’t get a good night’s sleep.  If you don’t feel rested even after 7-9 hours of “sleeping”, you may have a problem with a sleep disorder.  See for more information.

Mercury Filling Controversy

July 8, 2010

In our office we do not use amalgum fillings.  We think there are more aesthetic materials available today.  However, some of our patients do not want to keep amalgum fillings in their teeth.  Dr. Hornstein removes the old fillings safely.  We use lots of water and a high suction evacuation system.  We isolate the affected tooth with a rubber or latex dam so the patient is minimally exposed to any residual materials when removing the filling.  The patient may choose to breathe oxygen and eye protection is always used.  Some of the local physicians who practice medicine utilizing traditional and complementary treatments refer their patients to our office when they suspect that mercury levels are having an adverse effect on their patient’s health.  This link from Wikipedia has a balanced approach in its review of this controversial subject.

Please call our office if  you have any questions about mercury fillings and their safe replacement with tooth colored materials.

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