Category: Beachwood

Mercury Filling Controversy

July 8, 2010

In our office we do not use amalgum fillings.  We think there are more aesthetic materials available today.  However, some of our patients do not want to keep amalgum fillings in their teeth.  Dr. Hornstein removes the old fillings safely.  We use lots of water and a high suction evacuation system.  We isolate the affected tooth with a rubber or latex dam so the patient is minimally exposed to any residual materials when removing the filling.  The patient may choose to breathe oxygen and eye protection is always used.  Some of the local physicians who practice medicine utilizing traditional and complementary treatments refer their patients to our office when they suspect that mercury levels are having an adverse effect on their patient’s health.  This link from Wikipedia has a balanced approach in its review of this controversial subject.

Please call our office if  you have any questions about mercury fillings and their safe replacement with tooth colored materials.

CFAD is now on Twitter. Follow us.

February 1, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 8:23 pm

The Center For Advanced Dentistry is now on Twitter.  Tune in to our tips and musings.  Tell your friends or family about our Tweets.  You never know when they may save a life.   They cover everything dental and sometimes Doctor Hornstein’s humor.  You won’t want to miss a one. 

If you aren’t familiar with Twitter, it is one of the most expanding ways of staying in touch.  We are  Check us out and join in the fun.

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