Your mouth is part of a whole body system. As part of this whole, the condition of your teeth and gums impact the health of your body. In addition, the dental treatments you undergo can also influence your overall health. One of the most commonly performed restorative dental procedures is a filling. Beachwood holistic dentist Dr. Hornstein completely relies on metal-free restorations in order to provide his patients with a healthier alternative that also happens to look better, too.
The Center for Advanced Dentistry Blog
What to Expect When Getting Dental Implants
May 28, 2016
If you’ve made the choice to replace your missing teeth with dental implants, you’ve made a smart decision. We provide dental implants in Beachwood to allow you to make an investment in your smile with a permanent solution to treat tooth loss. Using a simple and safe surgical procedure, you’ll benefit from permanent prosthetic teeth to regain your smile, oral health and quality of life. While dental implants are highly successful, we understand you may still have some questions about the procedure. As your implant dentist in Beachwood, we’re here to help you understand to process to getting dental implants.
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Beachwood
April 25, 2016
We may have our differences, but there is one thing we all have in common: everyone—absolutely everyone regardless of age, gender, race or religion—needs to sleep. Yes, some people can get by on less sleep, but we all know the value of a good night of rest. Unfortunately, there are many for whom a restful night is merely a dream. A medical condition called sleep apnea can keep them from getting the sleep they need. If you suspect that you or your bed partner needs sleep apnea treatment in Beachwood, contact Dr. Hornstein at The Advanced Center for Dentistry. He works closely with area physicians to correctly diagnose and treat sleep apnea so your dreams about sleep can be a reality.
Dentist in Beachwood Shares 5 Causes of Bad Breath
March 23, 2016
Got bad breath? Your dentist in Beachwood is here to help! Find out if one of these top five causes of bad breath are at the root of your foul odor. Your friends, neighbors and coworkers will thank you for it!
Five Tips for Choosing a New Dentist
February 26, 2016
It’s not easy to choose a new dentist. With so many options, how can you know you’re making the best decision for you and your family? A little research goes a long way — and we’ve got five tips for helping you make the right choice. Keep reading to learn how to select an excellent dentist in Beachwood today!
Poor gum health linked to heart disease, says Beachwood dentist
January 22, 2016
Your oral health is closely linked to your overall well-being, and we’re learning more about the tie between the two every single day. Great strides were made in 2015 in understanding the cyclical connection between periodontitis, or gum disease, and a number of other conditions in the body. It seems that in many cases, gum disease left untreated can cause other diseases to worsen, too. Heart disease is just one of these conditions. Keep reading to learn more about the condition (and periodontal therapy in Beachwood!) from Dr. Hornstein today.
Holistic Dentist in Beachwood Answers Your Questions
December 23, 2015
You’ve heard of the mind-body connection, but have you ever considered the mouth-body link? Your oral cavity is the gateway to the rest of your body, and problems with the teeth or gums can severely impact your overall wellbeing. That’s why Dr. Hornstein, your holistic dentist at The Center for Advanced Dentistry, focuses on your whole health in an effort to bring you true excellence in dentistry. Because we know what goes on in your mouth isn’t just limited to your teeth and gums.
The Alternative Sleep Apnea Treatment Beachwood Residents Prefer
November 18, 2015
Sleep apnea is the cessation of breathing during sleep for at least 10 seconds at a time. There are two types of sleep apnea: central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a disorder that causes the brain to stop sending the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This form of apnea occurs when airways are blocked during sleep causing the cessation of breathing. Many patients are treated using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) that, as the name suggests, keeps airways open using a continual flow of air. Many CPAP users are unhappy with the system because the sounds it makes are loud, they can’t get used to the sensation of forced air, and because the CPAP system is inconvenient for travel. For patients who suffer from OSA, our Beachwood, OH dental team has an alternative to the CPAP system: oral appliance therapy with The Moses® and SomnoDent®.
The Dentist Pepper Pike Prefers Says Tobacco Use Greatly Affects Oral Health
September 16, 2015
Tobacco use is rampant in the United States. Roughly 42 million people are habitual tobacco users. Of this number, many will develop conditions such as lung cancer, emphysema and more. Tobacco is enjoyed by people in several different ways including cigarettes, smokeless tobacco (“dip”), or cigars. Nicotine is highly addictive, which explains why so many people are tobacco users. We’re here to tell you that it’s in your best interest to kick the habit while you still have time. You see, it isn’t just your overall health you’re putting at risk, it’s your oral health, too. Our Beachwood, OH office wants you to know that your oral health is very important and tobacco use can leave it in bad shape. Bad oral health has a major impact on your overall health. As the Beachwood dentist of choice for residents in the area, Dr. Hornstein has firsthand the effects tobacco has had on many patients. He and the rest of our dental staff want you to live your life free of tobacco and with the best oral health of your life.