The Center for Advanced Dentistry Blog

Your Dentist Says Gum Disease is Linked to Cardiovascular Disease

May 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 11:20 am

A woman pulling her lip to expose her gums.

Studies indicate that the mouth is a window into the rest of the body. Chances are, if you have good oral health, there is a good chance that your body is also generally healthy. If you have periodontal disease, you are actually at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Research has also found that patients with gum disease had a higher risk of stroke and developing diseases of the blood vessels and arteries.

To learn about the link and how to protect yourself, keep reading this post from your dentist.


How Your Dentist Locates Oral Cancer During Your Appointment

April 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 2:04 pm

A woman smiling and pointing at her mouth.

Did you know that you are still at risk for oral cancer even if you don’t use tobacco products? It is regularly referred to as the “silent killer” because the signs are difficult to catch early. As a result, many people do not realize they have it until it is too late. On average, oral cancer takes a life every hour in the United States and appears three times more often than cervical cancer.

Even worse, 66 percent of oral cancer cases are not discovered until the late stages, a period where the five-year survival rate is barely above 20 percent. Since April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, your dentist wanted to address how his practice is working diligently to catch oral cancer before it is too late.


Diet Soda is Still Bad for Teeth, According to Your Dentist

March 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 4:24 pm

A dark, diet cola.Diet soda has always branded itself as a healthier alternative to the regular stuff. It usually contains less sugar and makes you feel guilt-free for consuming. Pretty soon, you find yourself drinking it every day, typically with your lunch. You’ve become so comfortable with it that you can’t see why you’d ever need to change.

That is, until you visit your dentist for your regular checkup. After a few minutes into your examination, your dentist asks you “Have you been eating more sugar lately?” At this point you’re confused. By drinking diet soda, you’re drinking less sugar by definition. How could you still have cavities?


Why Your Dentist Loves Using the KoR Whitening System for Your Smile

February 6, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 4:22 pm

Teeth before and after teeth-whitening.If you’ve tried teeth-whitening treatments before, there’s a good chance that the results you were promised didn’t meet the results you were given. Either your teeth weren’t as white as they could have been, or you needed to go back to the dentist for a touch-up sooner than you expected. Luckily, your dentist has found a teeth-whitening system that solves the problems others fail to address.

With KoR’s wide variety of whitening treatments, you’ll experience the results actually promised to you before treatment. Keep reading to learn what makes this system so unique to its competition.


Your Dentist Knows the Impact Sugar Leaves on Your Oral Health

January 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 2:46 pm

A man smiling.

At-home care and regular dental visits are two essential parts to keeping your mouth healthy for years to come. But with those habits comes a third one: proper diet. We can brush and floss as much as we want, but just like how our bones need calcium and our muscles need protein, our teeth need to be getting the right nutrients to stay healthy.

That’s why your dentist wants to talk about keeping a healthy diet and how sugar is only hurting your oral health.


Dental Insurance – Facts and Tips on how to best use it

November 1, 2017

patient filling out insurance claim formFact – the standard $1000 per year maximum benefits has been the same since 1976.

Fact – Insurance companies have free reign to make up their own usual& customary rates for every procedure loosely based off the zip code where you see your dentist.  These rates vary greatly and are often much lower than the normal fees of ANY treating dentist in the area.  We have seen cleanings been covered from $30-100.  The amount covered is distinct to your specific plan.

Fact – Dental insurance is a BENEFIT from your employer, retirement plan, or a plan you purchase for yourself.  If you do not use the plan by going to the dentist, you are essentially throwing money away.  At the very least you should see the dentist and hygienist for two preventative cleaning visits per year.

Honest Candidates for Modern Dental Implants in Beachwood

June 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 4:48 pm

What makes a patient perfect for dental implants in Beachwood?Some teeth are lost due to poor dental hygiene and some causes are simply out of our patient’s control like dental accidents. Despite how a patient may have lost their teeth, dental implants are a way to give our patients in need their life back. If you have lost teeth, either through natural reasons or in an emergency, dental implants in Beachwood works wonders for regaining your confidence. The Center for Advanced Dentistry can help re-stabilize your smile and improve your quality of life again. While this revolutionary procedure does take a little time to fully heal and complete, the results our patients can achieve are truly life changing.


Am I Brushing Too Hard? Your Dentist In Beachwood Explains

May 28, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 3:13 pm

Learn how to tell if you’re brushing to heard and what approach you should use from your dentist in Beachwood. Did you know that most Americans only brush their teeth once a day, for about one minute only? And, instead of brushing frequently enough and for the proper amount of time, a lot of patients brush too hard to compensate for the gaps in their oral hygiene routine. But, cutting corners when brushing your teeth can leave some serious marks on your smile – from gum recession to sensitive teeth to even exposure of the tooth root. How can you tell if you’re brushing too hard? And – how can you correct this problem? The Center for Advanced Dentistry, your premier dentist in Beachwood, gives you the tips you need to brush up on your oral hygiene routine and to keep your smile healthy and bright.


Benefit from a Holistic Family Dentist in Beachwood for the Whole Family

March 5, 2017

Filed under: Holistic Dentistry — Tags: — Dr. Benjamin Hornstein @ 8:24 pm

Benefit from safe dentistry with your family dentist in Beachwood.You take great pride in ensuring your family develops healthy, beautiful smiles. In addition to home oral hygiene and a balanced diet, your loved ones rely on exceptional dental care. However, when choosing a family dentist in Beachwood, it can be difficult to find one who can provide services for all family members from one location. Every member in your family has unique oral health needs. You need one dental office to accommodate those needs. At The Center for Advanced Dentistry, Dr. Hornstein is the dentist for you. Our dental office provides safe, holistic dentistry for the entire family.

Dentist in Beechwood Offers Tooth Replacement Options

September 16, 2016

Dentist in Beechwood places dental implantsDo you feel stuck with unattractive smile gaps or dentures which slip and click? You have a better option with dental implants from Beechwood dentist, Dr. Benjamin Hornstein. Stable, long-lasting and realistic-looking, dental implants are today’s best choice for restoring your teeth to full health and function.


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