Many people assume that oral health and health related to other areas of the body are largely disconnected, but this is a common misconception. For example, heart health is actually one of the most well-studied areas when it comes to its connection with the health of your gum tissue. Dentists often note that when problems are present in the mouth, the likelihood that something else is also wrong is higher. If you want to reduce your risk for heart-related problems, learn why a dentist says you should give your current oral health a look.
Is Charcoal Toothpaste Safe for Teeth?
February 20, 2020
Browse the toothpaste aisle at a high-end outlet, or check your beauty magazine, and you’ve probably seen charcoal toothpaste pop up. Charcoal toothpaste is a popular new way everyone from celebrities on down are using to whiten their teeth naturally. Charcoal toothpaste is definitely popular, but is it safe for teeth?
Want a Bright Smile Fast? KöR Whitening Can Get the Job Done!
February 17, 2020
Are there multiple stains in your smile that you simply can’t seem to remove? The fact is store-bought products do not truly address the underlying stains that can appear. Staining and yellowing can occur as a result of the foods you eat or because your smile is aging. While there are many teeth whitening treatments available on the market today, there are few as personalized as KöR teeth whitening. To learn why a dentist recommends it to patients, keep reading!
On Oral Health: Your Diet and Amount of Sugar You Eat Matters
February 14, 2020
Any dentist will tell you how important it is to maintain a strict oral care routine in between bi-annual checkups and cleanings. However, if the dentist doesn’t also ask about your diet or how much sugar you consume on a regular basis, they are missing half of the equation. Diet and sugar matter when it comes to oral health as it can affect how well your body is able to fight off bacteria and plaque. Today, a dentist breaks down how this phenomenon works in more detail, so you can reduce your risk of dental problems moving forward.
5 Ways to Improve Your Smile This Holiday Season
November 4, 2019
It’s important to maintain great dental health all year round, but for many people, slipping a bit in the dental hygiene department is all too tempting during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. However, if you want to make sure that you improve your smile this holiday season, you’ll need to stay on top of the holidays and make your dental health a priority. The following are 5 ways you can improve your smile this holiday season. (more…)
October Is National Dental Hygiene Month
October 9, 2019
October is National Dental Hygiene Month, and there is no better time of the year to brush up—no pun intended—on your dental hygiene skills, tips and tricks. If you want a healthy, happy smile, consider the following tips that will keep your smile bright and healthy all year long.
Tricks to Treat Your Kids and Keep Your Dentist Happy This Halloween
September 27, 2019
It’s no secret that dentists don’t love the sugary part of Halloween—but with all of the damage that typical candy can do to your children’s teeth, who can blame them? Thankfully, you don’t have to let Halloween scare your dentist the next time your child comes in for a check-up! The following are some tips and tricks that will help your kids enjoy a Halloween treat while still keeping your dentist happy.
How Do I Protect My Teeth During Pregnancy? Here are 5 Tips
August 30, 2019
It’s very important to take care of your health when you are pregnant in order to reduce the risk of complications and to help ensure a healthy development for your growing baby. One of the most overlooked elements of pregnancy health is your teeth: it is even more important to practice great dental health when you’re pregnant due to the potential for developing problems with your teeth as your pregnancy continues. The following guide will help you learn how to protect your teeth during pregnancy.
4 Steps to Improve Your Oral Health
June 24, 2019
Taking care of your oral health is just as important as eating a nutritional diet and getting regular exercise. Proper oral hygiene can help prevent infections, gum disease and a host of other problems that will leave you worse for wear. If you want to start improving your oral health, consider the following 5 steps you need to take in order to improve your oral health today.
Top 5 Ways to Perfect my Smile Before my Upcoming Wedding
May 20, 2019
You naturally want to look your best on your wedding day—from your hair to your clothing all the way down to a perfect smile that will shine brightly and beautifully in all your wedding photos. If you want to take the extra steps to perfect your smile before your upcoming wedding, you’re in luck—there are many ways you can make sure that your smile is looking its best on your big day. The following are the top 5 ways to perfect your smile before your wedding.