We may have our differences, but there is one thing we all have in common: everyone—absolutely everyone regardless of age, gender, race or religion—needs to sleep. Yes, some people can get by on less sleep, but we all know the value of a good night of rest. Unfortunately, there are many for whom a restful night is merely a dream. A medical condition called sleep apnea can keep them from getting the sleep they need. If you suspect that you or your bed partner needs sleep apnea treatment in Beachwood, contact Dr. Hornstein at The Advanced Center for Dentistry. He works closely with area physicians to correctly diagnose and treat sleep apnea so your dreams about sleep can be a reality.
Category: sleep apnea
Sleep Apnea Treatment in Beachwood
April 25, 2016
The Alternative Sleep Apnea Treatment Beachwood Residents Prefer
November 18, 2015
Sleep apnea is the cessation of breathing during sleep for at least 10 seconds at a time. There are two types of sleep apnea: central and obstructive. Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a disorder that causes the brain to stop sending the proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This form of apnea occurs when airways are blocked during sleep causing the cessation of breathing. Many patients are treated using Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) that, as the name suggests, keeps airways open using a continual flow of air. Many CPAP users are unhappy with the system because the sounds it makes are loud, they can’t get used to the sensation of forced air, and because the CPAP system is inconvenient for travel. For patients who suffer from OSA, our Beachwood, OH dental team has an alternative to the CPAP system: oral appliance therapy with The Moses® and SomnoDent®.
Treating Sleep Apnea With Three Different Options
November 28, 2012
Sleep apnea is a common issue with men and women, ranging in age from children to adults. If not treated properly with the right amount of examination and care, the effects can be fatal. Don’t let the early warning signs pass you or your loved ones by.
With the modern technology found at the Center for Advanced Dentistry, Dr. Hornstein can help you treat it, no matter what your age is.
Basically, there are three main methods of treatment:
- Surgery
- Using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine
- Wearing a custom fit oral appliance at night.
Surgery might sound a bit extreme at first, but if you have a blocked airway, surgery is highly recommended. With an obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), blockages somewhere in the airway occur repeatedly in a short amount of time. Your breathing can stop for as little as a few seconds to a few minutes. The hope with the surgery option is to open the airway. That way, you can reduce obstructions to a safe level. Your uvula, palate and jaw are looked at.
With a CPAP machine, oxygen is continuously pumped into your nose or a facial mask.
If you find a CPAP to be a ball and chain, there is another option. Oral appliance therapy involves an orthotic made with you in mind and you wear it at night. This orthotic can do all kinds of things, like preventing the soft palate from blocking your airways and repositioning your tongue. Even better, an oral appliance lessens snoring.
Dr. Hornstein and the Center for Advanced Dentistry are here to help. We’re happy to talk with you about what’s best for treating your sleep apnea. Give us a call today. We serve patients from Cleveland, Solon, Shaker Heights, Pepper Pike, and surrounding areas.
Sleep Apnea Treatment for Patients in the Cleveland Area
June 27, 2011
If you snore at night or suffer from symptoms like irritability, difficulty concentrating, morning headaches, or daytime drowsiness, you may have sleep apnea.
An under-diagnosed condition, sleep apnea can disrupt your (and your partner’s) sleep and have a detrimental effect on your overall health, putting you at risk for a wide spectrum of serious conditions ranging from heart attack to stroke, high blood pressure, heartburn, depression, and even memory loss.